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¿Por qué elegir AIG para seguros de Mergers and Acquisitions?

What are ‘Mergers and Acquisitions’?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are both aspects of corporate strategy dealing with the buying, selling and combining of separate companies with the intention of generating growth within an existing market or expansion into a new market without having to create and develop a new entity from the ground up or enter into a joint venture.

Soluciones Mergers and Acquisitions de AIG

The reasons behind M&A activity vary widely. Common rationales include: seeking economies of scale and distribution; enhancing value through combining businesses; increasing market share through the acquisition of competitors; and rationalising corporate and tax structures.

What AIG Brings to the Deal Table

AIG has the knowledge and experience to create bespoke M&A insurance solutions.

Watch our 2 minute video for an overview of what we bring to the deal table

What is covered?

AIG offers a range of bespoke M&A insurance products, specifically designed to solve commercial risks arising from M&A transactions. AIG’s highly specialised M&A insurance products are underwritten by an international team of skilled insurance and M&A professionals who integrate closely with negotiating parties and their advisers to create tailored solutions that can facilitate commercial objectives whilst minimising deal risk.

Some examples include:

Warranty & Indemnity (W&I) insurance is a tailored product from AIG Europe’s M&A team which covers either the buyer or the seller for loss arising from breach of the warranties and indemnities given in an acquisition agreement (SPA).

Sellers can obtain a clean exit by using W&I insurance to ensure that the sale proceeds can be returned to investors and avoid the need of an escrow account.

Buyers can procure warranty protection on transactions where the seller is reluctant to give warranties or where there is doubt over the seller’s ability to satisfy a claim.


Any company considering a merger or acquisition.

Features & Benefits

W&I Insurance enables a buyer to:

  • Supplement their protection for breach of warranty both in terms of quantum and certainty of payment.
  • Extend the duration of warranties, giving them additional time to detect and report warranty breaches.
  • Distinguish their bid in a competitive auction by negotiating more limited recourse against the seller by supplementing the contractual recourse with W&I insurance.
  • Protect their relationship with the sellers who may become their key employees or business partners upon completion of the transaction.

W&I Insurance enables a seller to:

  • Reduce the risk of contingent liabilities arising from claims, allowing them to exit a business or investment cleanly.
  • Distribute all or most of the proceeds of sale to their investors or service their existing indebtedness as there is a reduced need for an escrow account.
  • Protect themselves where they have not been actively involved in the management of the target business from unintentional non-disclosure or other breaches of the terms of the SPA.
  • Expedite a sale and potentially increase the purchase price by eliminating obstacles to closing, such as protracted indemnity negotiations.


The W&I policy, whether seller-side or buyer-side, will indemnify the insured party for loss resulting from a breach of a seller warranty in an SPA or breach of the seller’s obligations in a tax deed of covenant.


AIG has a dedicated claims team in every jurisdiction where we issue policies. This means that any claim made under an M&A policy will be dealt with by an experienced member of our claims team who has particular expertise in dealing with claims in the jurisdiction of the insured.

The local claims handler works closely with the underwriting team to provide a uniquely efficient claims handling process that is tailored to respond appropriately to the complexities of any claim.

Contacts, Submissions and Claims

We have the largest specialist M&A underwriting team in the insurance industry. Download contact list